Monday, 21 October 2013

           Secondly is an a la carte menu gives a full list of all dishes that may be prepared but item is priced separately. The price of items differ from one restaurant/establishment to another.

After guests are seated and order being taken:
 Place orders to the kitchen.
 Adjust and reset covers accordingly when necessary.
 Pick up food from kitchen to station using hand. Apply skills in carrying plates by hand.
 Approach the guest and address.
 Proceed to the left of the guest and place the dish gently on the table in front of the guest.
 Present the dish to the guest politely.
 Proceed to the next guest in a clockwise direction and serve accordingly.
 Clear finished dishes with indication from the guest.
 Proceed the same technique to another guest moving in a clockwise direction.
 Proceed to the next course (if any).

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